Friday, October 30, 2009

Golf Cart Damage

"Why are golf carts grounded today? They weren't grounded last time it rained. Heck, once we were able to use carts when water was splashing under the tires."

Carts are grounded when their use will cause significant damage. We will often allow carts after it has been raining as long as the underlying soil is firm and not water-logged. The damage shown in the photo occurred late in the fall during a prolonged wet period that saw over 5" of rain during a 3 week period. Carts are grounded more often in the spring and fall because the soil does not dry very quickly after precipitation. Temperatures are cool and the days are short in the spring and fall so even a 1/4" of precipitation can make it too wet for carts. In the summer, carts can often go even after a 1" rain because the soil drys out quickly when it is warm and windy.

Our staff tries to let carts out as often as possible. We realize many golfers won't play without a cart. Please bear with us the next time you want to play and carts are grounded. We just want conditions to be great the next time you come out. Nobody enjoys hitting a shot off uneven turf due to cart ruts.